Friday 13 August 2010

Welcome to forever, a neverending dream.

I'm not much of a talker and I don't really like talking about myself. So, let's be honest here, there's no point in me even having a blog. Ah well, might as well make use of it. :3
To be honest, I'm probably just gonna use this for those stupid bloggy things that asks you lots of questions, like the ones y'get on bebo? Cause I see no point in just ranting on about my life to you's. I'm too private of a person for that. :) It isn't going to be a dramatically depressing blog but. I don't think, aha.

But while we're on a roll, here's a bit about my summer.

Summer has had it's ups and downs tbh... the first half being the worst half of summer. If you're close to me and all that jazz you'll know, and if you're not, then you don't need to know. And then as soon as life started getting better, I got chicken pox and was confined to the house for two weeks. That was perhaps the worst two weeks of my life :| The spots made me look horrible, and I'm quite a vain person in all honesty, so that in itself made me feel so shit. Then the itch started.
Fuck. Me. Sideways.
I've never come so close to the edge of insanity before in my whole life. It lasted a week and it drove me utterly insane. I didn't sleep for days, I had to constantly be smothered in calomine lotion (which really smelt quite amazing) and I took like 15 pills a day. Wowza. But thankfully it's over now, I'm still covered in red marks but, and I'm going to scar slightly. Shit happens.
However, since I've been out of the house again life has honestly been so good ;3 The banter with my friends has been amazing, whether we're in Duntocher, town, Old Kilpatrick or just hanging about by the canal.
"hawwd on while i shove him up!"
"G.W" :L

"now it gets to the dirty stuff... oh wait that's eve XD"
This is ofcourse when my idiots who I call my friends aren't being stupid and getting their silly butts grounded over and over again. Honestly, you's are teenagers now. Stop getting caught. :)

Now there's only a week left of summer. And then we go back to school.... I'm kinda looking forward to it to be perfectly honest. I got some nice clothes for it and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. But I'm dreading school at the same time. It can't just be a pisstake anymore ahas. Ah well.

Well that's basically life up till now. I'll update whenever the fuck I feel like it. Later :)

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