Sunday 29 August 2010

trust me baby it'll be okay.

Honestly, what color is your underwear?
bright blueee
Honestly, whats on your mind?
uhm nothing much tbh :)
Honestly, what are you doing right now?
sitting on msn, doing this and drinking orange juice (:
Honestly, are you competitive?
sometimes aha
Honestly, have you done something bad today?
nope (a)
Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?:
sometimes aha!
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
uhm... dont think so :)
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?
Honesly, is there someone you will always love?
uhm not really tbh
Honestly, are you in love?
no (:
Honestly, do you bite your nails?
yeah :|:|
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?
naaat really.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?
s'pose i am
Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?
Honestly, does anyone like you?
dno, ask them?

Can you blow a bubble?
Can you dance?
badly aha!
Can you do a cart wheel?:
nope aha
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?
never tried
Can you touch your toes?
Can you whistle?
Can you wiggle your ears?
nope aha
Can you roll your tongue?

Can you make a clover with your tongue?
nope aha
What do you do when you're mad?
either yell, or like, go into a different room and ignore people + everything
Whats the worst thing youve done when you were mad?
made someone cry :/
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?
Ever really cried your heart out?
yeah :/
Ever cried yourself to sleep?
yeah :\
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
lmfao yeah, sorry!
Ever cried over the same sex?
uhm, dont think so
Do you cry when you get an injury?
Do certain movies make you cry?
yes o_o
Are you usually a happy person?
yeah :)
What makes you the happiest?
Does being with your friends make you happy?
Do you believe in yourself?
kind of aha.
Do you wish you were happier?
not really?
Is being happy overrated?
Can music make you happy?
yesssss, it can totally change your mood, even just a single song aha

Ever been heartbroken?
uhm yeah

Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?
think so.
Has anyone besides your friends/family ever said 'iloveyou'?
yeah, aha.
Do you actually hate anyone?
Ever made a hit list?
no :L
Have you ever been on a hit list?
maybe? aha!
Are you a mean bully?
lmao i can be harsh i guess?
Do you hate George Bush?
no but he's a stupid prat aha
What is your current hair colour?
Current piercings:
Have any tattoos:
not yet
Straight hair or curly?
What shirt are you wearing?
a kurt cobain one :)
none aha
Hugged someone :
Been on the phone until the sun came up?
yeah (:
Laughed so hard you cried?
all the time :')
Got in a fight with someone?
not physical
Person you talked to in person?
last person you talked to online ?
uhm lewis
Person you talked to on the phone:
Person you hugged:
Last person you hung out with?
chelsea and rachel
Last thing someone said to you?
omg can't remember >:|
Last time you slept in all morning?
today - till 2pm aha
Last thing you said out loud?
i sang aha.


Saturday 21 August 2010

fully alive, more than most ready to smile.

Your last text is there any x's in it, how many?

Three :)

What did you do today?
went to clydebank and bought stuffffffs, sat in chelseas granda's aha and nothing much else

Pineapples or lemons?
uhm, not sure aha.

Last person you talked to on the phone?
rachel, or maybe iain.

Who were you last in a vehicle with apart from your family?
uhmmm.... does buses count? :S if so, chelsea.

Seen anyones true colours recently?
Yeap. :/

What woke you up this morning?
my alarm to get up :/

Do you agree Beyonce is the prettiest woman on earth?

Where is the last place you went out to eat?
uhm, the bakers oven? :S

What does your oldest text message say?
LMFAO. It's too long to write out.

Have you met anyone new recently?
uhm, yeah ;3

Are you a Jedward lover?

Justin Bieber:cute or hot?

Do you hate it when you send a message to the wrong person?
Yeah, it's embarrassing ;s

What colour are your nails painted?
green, pink, black.

Do you need a hug?
I'm okay, but yes! ;o

Are you currently waiting on something?
uhm kinda :)

Do you like cheese?
not really ;s

Do you own a bike?
no actually aha!

What are you doing tonight?
going to bed in a few hours cause i'm cool like that (y)

Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
yeah ;s i pure convince myself i have like cancer or something.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
orangensaft! kinnon, orange juice.

Is your bathroom clean?

What's your favourite pieces of jewellery?
a ring, a bracelet and a necklace or two.

Do you have friends?
No, I'm a lonely little prick who sits in a corner all day reading about happy shiny people living happy honest lives with their partners and friends. Ofcourse I do, you twat.

Do you miss someone?
Uhm, not really to be honest.

Pissed off at someone?
Not pissed off as such, just a tad mivved.

What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
"I need to go back to sleep, and I need to pee." Lmao!

Current worry?
Uhm.... nothing really ;3

You're crying at 12 at night, you call?
Chelsea. Been there, done that, and it was chelsea.

Have you ever been called heartless?
Uhm yeah but as a joke aha

Do you like your life at the moment?
yes! :)

Where Is the last place you drove to, and with who?
uhm, i can't remember where we were going, but it was with my mum.

Have you ever kissed anybody whose name starts with an R?
Uhm..... don't think so.

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
i'm not mystic meg, love :)

How late were you up last night?
About half 1.

Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches?
Am I fuck.

Anything crazy happen this week?

Anything you're avoiding?
Uhm yes :$

Are you happier now or three months ago?
Now, definitely.

What would you do if you found a suitcase with a million dollars in it?
"what would jesus do?" :L

If you could erase someone from your life who would it be and why?
Mega lolz.

Have you ever wished you could just move away and start over?
Uhm kinda.

Have you gotten caught in a HUGE lie to your parents?
yes :/

If you could, would you go back and change the way things ended with someone?
uhm yeah i think so but dunno.

Have you ever wanted to help someone, but you just couldn't?
uhm yeah

What's the last bad thing someone said about you?
Uhm, dunno ;d

Has anyone walked out of your life in the past 2 weeks?
uhm, no :)

Are you satisfied with your life as of now?
YES (:

The shirt youre wearing, does anyone else have it?
dunno aha.

What movie do you really want to see right now?
Toy story 3!

Are you a jealous person?
uhm depends aha

Do you believe what goes around comes around?
kinda ;D

What was the last thing you drank?
irn bru

Where is your biological mother right now?
living rooooom.

What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
sent a text and turned off my mp3 player.

Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
yes :)

Are you going to be home alone tonight?
nope :/

If you could make your lips bigger, would you?

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
uhm, probably this still aha

How many times is E in your full name?
3 times.

you kissed someone in the past 24 hours?

do you think they are a good kisser?
ooft ayeee, the best, yeknow? 8-)

do you think they are hot or really ugly?

how many pillows do you sleep with?

ever cuddled on a couch?
uhm yeah

you hate someone right?
uhm not really.


Thursday 19 August 2010

We gotta get out, go far away.

I got a haircut yesterday. It's fucking horrible. It's short, shows my ears most of the time and makes me look like a lesbian. I am really not amused. Urgh ¬_¬

First day of school today. It went okay. First period was spent in registration, which was very dull, I must admit. Then we got to miss P.E cause of an assembily, which, as lazy as it sounds, made me ecstatic. I just couldn't be bothered getting changed, as I still have some chicken pox scars.
Interval was great, seeing everyone again, just having banter and seeing everyone I never got the chance to see over the summer. English was good, mostly just sat and talked as Mrs Thorn had many errands to run and many interruptions. Then R.E we had a new teacher... Mr Downie. Yeah, kay.
Lunch was good. Banter. I love it ;3 German, Mr Moore just never changes aha! And then history, which I really couldn't be fucked with. Sarah, Emma and Mhairi made it a giggle though. So that's okay. But my God, It was the longest day of my entire life. It just WOULDN'T END. So when the sweet sound of the bell, or beep, or whatever, played in my ears, I'd never been so relieved to know it was the end of the day.
Welcome back, normality.... ¬-¬

Weekend better be some pretty hardcore shit or I'm going to cry. If I get stuck in the house with no one to go out with, I might just go jump off the tallest building I can find. Fancy a party. Or just a day/night out. Please?

Laters ;3

Friday 13 August 2010

Welcome to forever, a neverending dream.

I'm not much of a talker and I don't really like talking about myself. So, let's be honest here, there's no point in me even having a blog. Ah well, might as well make use of it. :3
To be honest, I'm probably just gonna use this for those stupid bloggy things that asks you lots of questions, like the ones y'get on bebo? Cause I see no point in just ranting on about my life to you's. I'm too private of a person for that. :) It isn't going to be a dramatically depressing blog but. I don't think, aha.

But while we're on a roll, here's a bit about my summer.

Summer has had it's ups and downs tbh... the first half being the worst half of summer. If you're close to me and all that jazz you'll know, and if you're not, then you don't need to know. And then as soon as life started getting better, I got chicken pox and was confined to the house for two weeks. That was perhaps the worst two weeks of my life :| The spots made me look horrible, and I'm quite a vain person in all honesty, so that in itself made me feel so shit. Then the itch started.
Fuck. Me. Sideways.
I've never come so close to the edge of insanity before in my whole life. It lasted a week and it drove me utterly insane. I didn't sleep for days, I had to constantly be smothered in calomine lotion (which really smelt quite amazing) and I took like 15 pills a day. Wowza. But thankfully it's over now, I'm still covered in red marks but, and I'm going to scar slightly. Shit happens.
However, since I've been out of the house again life has honestly been so good ;3 The banter with my friends has been amazing, whether we're in Duntocher, town, Old Kilpatrick or just hanging about by the canal.
"hawwd on while i shove him up!"
"G.W" :L

"now it gets to the dirty stuff... oh wait that's eve XD"
This is ofcourse when my idiots who I call my friends aren't being stupid and getting their silly butts grounded over and over again. Honestly, you's are teenagers now. Stop getting caught. :)

Now there's only a week left of summer. And then we go back to school.... I'm kinda looking forward to it to be perfectly honest. I got some nice clothes for it and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. But I'm dreading school at the same time. It can't just be a pisstake anymore ahas. Ah well.

Well that's basically life up till now. I'll update whenever the fuck I feel like it. Later :)